The Heartland Center has just released the Summer 2020 edition of our Quarterly Occupational Safety & Health Newsletter. Please share the newsletter with your colleagues, either by printing out the PDF and posting it on your bulletin board or by … [Read more...]
Kari Harland Recognized as 2020 Outstanding Alumna
We are proud to have a former Heartland Center trainee, Kari Harland, MPH, PhD, be a recipient of a 2020 Outstanding Alumni Award. The award is presented as recognition for Kari's important accomplishments and her exceptional potential for future … [Read more...]
Patrick O’Shaughnessy Collaborates with Hospital During COVID-19 Pandemic
Patrick O’Shaughnessy, Director of the Heartland Center, has been collaborating with The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics to extend the use of N95 respirators and other personal protective equipment. His expertise in the Industrial Hygiene … [Read more...]
Dr. Field Discusses Risks of Radon Exposure
Approximately 21,000 people die each year of lung cancer related to radon gas exposure. Bill Field, Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Iowa College of Public Health and Deputy Director at the Heartland Center, explains the risk of radon … [Read more...]
Heartland Center Trainee Priyanka Vakkalanka Seeks Helps Veterans with Mental Health
Priyanka Vakkalanka is a doctoral student in the Occupational Epidemiology Training Program at the Heartland Center. Her research focuses on using telehealth to support veterans in rural areas who are struggling with mental health issues. "Every … [Read more...]