MidwestON Listserv
The Heartland Center launched the MidwestON Listserv to help facilitate the future development of a formalized Midwest Occupational Network (MidwestON) for Midwest states (IA, IL, IN, MI, MN, MO, OH, and WI). The goal of the Listserv is to build state-based occupational safety and health (OSH) capacity by promoting multi-state collaborations and other activities among public health departments, community partners, occupational epidemiologists, worker-related nonprofits, worker organizations, NIOSH, NIOSH-funded Centers, and academic institutions within the Midwest region. The Listserv is also intended to be a conduit for the dissemination of meeting announcements, grant funding opportunities, travel & training resources, occupational health intern programs, and recent developments and findings in occupational health.
The Listserv is moderated by Outreach Director, Tammi Goerdt (tammi-goerdt@uiowa.edu) who will approve list member subscriptions as well as approve messages for occupational health-related appropriateness before they are posted to the list. For individuals working in OSH and interested in joining the list – please subscribe at: https://list.uiowa.edu/scripts/wa.exe?SUBED1=MIDWESTON&A=1