Occupational Hearing Conservationist Certification Course

Radisson Hotel and Conference Center 1220 1st Avenue, Coralville, IA, United States

This two and one‐half day workshop is designed to familiarize participants with all facets of occupational hearing conservation and prepare them as audiometric technicians. Upon completion, a certificate will be awarded which documents their training. At the end of the course, students will take the exam for certification as an Occupational Hearing Conservationist by the Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation (CAOHC).


Case Management Seminar 2017: Care of Work-Related Injuries

The Hotel at Kirkwood Center 7725 Kirkwood Boulevard SW , Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

Please plan to join us on October 20, 2017 for our annual conference on the case management of work-related injuries. This conference is intended for case managers, occupational health nurses, insurance adjusters, safety and human resources professionals, and employers interested in expanding their knowledge of case management and the medical treatment of work-related injuries. This year's topics will include laser burn treatment, post acute care after catastrophic injury, release of information compliance in workers' compensation, low back injuries, and the role of physical therapists in the evaluation, management, and defense of workers' compensation claims.

This program has been approved for Certified Case Manager CEUs, Nurse CEUs, and General CEUs. See our brochure for more details. Please email Mike Meginnis if you have any questions.

NIOSH-Approved Spirometry Refresher Course

IREH Building Institute for Rural and Environmental Health, Coralville, IA, United States

This National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)-approved training is designed to provide a review of current spirometry testing standards and guidelines, common errors and corrective actions, and how to differentiate between normal, obstructive, restrictive, and mixed lung disease patterns. This course is intended for nurses, medical assistants, and other occupational health and safety practitioners who are responsible for conducting spirometry in the workplace or other settings. Nursing CEUs will be available for this course. Please contact Mike Meginnis with any questions.

Notice: Unfortunately, this class has been cancelled due to extenuating circumstances. Further information will be posted when we schedule our next year's spirometry programming.


46th Annual Iowa Governor’s Safety & Health Conference

The Meadows Event & Conference Center 1 Prairie Meadows Drive, Altoona, IA, United States

The Iowa Governor's Safety & Health Conference is exclusively dedicated to promoting and providing continuing education concerning Iowa workplace safety and health regulations and best practices. The conference is intended for occupational safety professionals, risk managers, consultants, business executives, supervisors, occupational health nurses, workers, or anyone that may have an interest in, or impact on, workplace safety and health.

Topics covered in this year's conference will include opioid use, low back pain, welding safety, a workers' compensation update, safety onboarding, electrical safety, multi-employer work sites, and slips, trips, and falls. You can see more information at the Iowa GSHC website, or you can register now if you know you want to attend.

$150 – $290

Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety & Health Conference

Graham Conference Center 812 University St, Pella, IA, United States

Join us for the 16th annual MRASH Conference in historic Pella, IA on November 14-15, 2017.  This engaging conference presents research and best practices related rural and agricultural health and safety research, surveillance, education, outreach, and public health interventions. Learn more at the conference website, or register now.

$80 – $160