Occupational Health Symposium 2018

The Hotel at Kirkwood Center 7725 Kirkwood Boulevard SW , Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

This symposium is intended for nurses, nurse practitioners, safety professionals, human resources professionals, administrators, wellness administrators, and other individuals interested in improving the health and safety of workers. The theme of the 2018 conference is Healthy Work Design and Well-Being. The program will include the following speakers and topics:

Thursday, March 29
- Diane Rohlman, MA, PhD / Work & Stress & Health
- Erin Foster, ACPS / Opioids in the Workplace & Our Communities
- Troy Vander Molen, PT, DPT / Ergonomics and the Mobile Work Environment
- Joe Mullen, MPA, CSP / OSHA Update
- Jason Wiltfang, Attorney / New Changes in Iowa Workers' Compensation
- Jeffrey Westpheling, MD, MPH / Common Occupational Injuries

Friday, March 30
- Nathan Fethke, PhD, CPE / Whole Body & Hand-Arm Vibration
- Larry Readout, MBA, CSP, WACH / Multi-Generational Risks: Slips, Trips, & Falls
- Mark Frederick / Identifying Safety Risks Using Wearable Technology

Based on participant feedback, this year's conference will be a 1.5-day event ending at noon on Friday, March 30.

The conference has been approved to provide 9 Nurse CEU contact hours, 9 HR (General) recertification credit hours, and 9 General CEU contact hours. You can read the full brochure here.

The use of this seal confirms that this activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.


Third Annual OHS Student Research Conference

College of Public Health Building 145 N Riverside Drive, Iowa City, IA, United States

Join us for a poster session and "three minute thesis" presentations wherein students will present their research in occupational health and safety. See the program agenda for schedule and further details.

Robert Harrison, MD, MPH will provide a keynote presentation on "Workplace Health & Safety of Vulnerable Workers."

Attend this April 6, 2018 event from 8:00 am to roughly 1 pm at the University of Iowa College of Public Health building in order to meet the next generation of occupational safety and health professionals and see the future of the field. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by email to Janie Simmons (janie-simmons@uiowa.edu).

Agricultural Safety and Health: The Core Course

College of Public Health Building 145 N Riverside Drive, Iowa City, IA, United States

This course, offered by the Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health, provides the information and skills needed to enable safety and health professionals to anticipate, recognize, and prevent occupational illnesses and injuries among members of the agricultural community.

The Agricultural Safety and Health Core Course, formerly known as the Agricultural Medicine Course, has been the national model of effective agricultural safety and health education for a decade. Expert instruction is provided by experienced faculty and specialists including Board Certified Physicians, Veterinarian, and Certified Industrial Hygienist. Continuing education credits are available for physicians, nurses, and EMS personnel. The course has also been approved for General CEUs. See the brochure for more information.

The course will be held in two sessions:

Session 1: June 11-13, $250 on or before May 12, and $300 after
Session 2: June 13-15, $250 on or before May 12, and $300 after

$250 – $600

Safety and Health in Rural and Agricultural Communities: Networking Reception and Poster Session

College of Public Health Building 145 N Riverside Drive, Iowa City, IA, United States

Discover innovative program and the latest research findings while networking with colleagues and University of Iowa faculty, staff, and students. This networking reception, which will take place in the University of Iowa College of Public Health Building in Iowa City, is free and open to the public. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by […]

CSOEMA Fall Seminar

Hilton Garden Inn 11600 West Park Place, Milwaukee, WI, United States

The fall 2018 CSOEMA seminar is scheduled to take place on September 14-15, 2018 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Keep an eye on the CSOEMA website for more information.